It's crafting time!
Today we are making a butterfly sun catcher.
You will need the following items:
- Full page size plain butterfly color sheet (I hope I did the template correct let me know if it doesn't work you may have to copy and paste as a word doc. until I learn how to link it)
- Black construction paper
- 2 three inch pipe cleaner
- Small hole puncher
- Ribbon
- Tissue paper
- Transparent peel and stick laminate paper (clear sticker paper works fine)
- Scissors and/or exact-o knife
- Cut out butterfly.
- Glue butterfly on black construction paper.
- Cut around butterfly leaving a black trim.
- Cut out middle of butterfly wings leaving some white for the kids to color. (I used an exact-o knife).
- Punch three small holes at the top of the butterfly's head (two for antennae one for hanging ribbon).
- Punch three small holes at the bottom of the butterfly one on each wing and one on body for ribbon to hang from.
- Thread the ribbon through the holes on bottom knotting each one at the back of the butterfly.
- Add hanging ribbon to the top center hole.
- Color butterfly.
- Cut laminate paper in squares big enough to cover the holes in the wings (too big is better than too small)
- Peel off paper and place STICKY SIDE DOWN on top of colored side of butterfly wings covering the holes.
- Turn butterfly colored side down, sticky side up, and place tissue paper pieces on sticky part. (you can purchase tissue paper squares from oriental trading .com or just tear tissue paper into small pieces.)
- Hang in front of a window to catch the sun!