Friday, April 6, 2012

Melted Crayon as Pointillism Art

Melted crayon Pointillism art. I took Georges Pierre Seurat's pointillism style to a Van Gogh's picture.
I first free hand drew a sketch of Van Gogh's "Bulb Fields" aka "Flowers In Holland" on a blank canvas and labeled what color each section needed to be. Next I pulled the crayon colors I would need and peeled the paper off them. (NOTE: The color of the crayon you use IS what color you will get. I know it sounds weird to say that but I was thinking "hey maybe it'll dry a lighter shade than it looks :-/ yeah, it don't haha.)
Then I lit my tea light candle and began at the left hand side of my picture.

  • Hold the pointed end of the crayon with your fingers and touch the flat bottom of the crayon to the flame. Immediately dot the crayon wax on your canvas, it dries fast!
  • Repeat until you have that color section covered in crayon wax dots.
  •  Move on to the next section and repeat until you have your masterpiece completed!
(NOTE: The flame may blacken the crayon some and this WILL show on your artwork. This is especially bothersome when using white. The only way I found to not have black mixed in with the color you are using is to use a lighter or aim and flame with a continuous flame and hold the crayon directly above where you want it to drip onto the canvas. This, however, is tiring on your fingers and uses a lot of the fluid in your lighter/aim and flame.)

I did figure out if you want a white-ish color, if your tea candle is white, you can just dip your crayon in the candles melted wax and dot on your picture. This came in very handy when I ran out of white crayons and when I wanted to 'lighten' the pink, blue or whatever color. I just added a few white or wax dots to it and there you have it.

I will warn you, it takes a L-O-N-G time to do a big picture. I did this over the course of a couple of days. When I do this with your teens at the library they will be half this size because I will only have two hours to do it in. Dason's did not take as long since he didn't do every part of the canvas like I did.

For Dason's artwork I drew him a simple picture with pencil on his canvas. Then I gave him the crayons and lit a candle for him and let him at it. He got tired after a little while and colored part of the house and also had Travis help with the tree a little bit but didn't he do a great job? I love the color of the house even though it makes it look like the house is on fire.

I hope you enjoy doing this style of art for it is so much fun! Thanks for stopping by!


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