Friday, April 6, 2012

Dr kit

Have the kids make their own Dr's kit. Simple to do!
  •  Use construction paper or if you want to get fancy like I did here, use a large sheet of craft foam.
  •  Double it over and punch holes with a hole puncher up the sides. 
  • Thread yarn through holes and tie off.
  • Run a pipe cleaner through both top holes and twist together making a handle.
  • Inside you can put anything you can think of that a dr may have. We used a latex glove, large Popsicle stick for a tongue depressor, Q-tips, band-aides of various sizes, stickers, cotton balls, a sucker, tattoos, and a red stripped straw we called our thermometer.
  • You can also have the kids decorate a giant band-aide. 
OH! I almost forgot! A good, messy but fun, activity you can do is have a helper rub lotion on their hands but not rub it all the way in and dip their hand in green glitter. Then go around touching things like the light switch, wall, table and chairs, even shake a few brave kids hands. Every where they touch will leave glitter showing how germs are spread. We also always show how to have good manners when we sneeze by having the kids practice sneezing into their elbows. Also, let the kids practice blowing their nose on a tissue and then taking the tissue to the trash and explain how it is important that they throw away their own tissues instead of giving it to their grown up.

Being the naughty ladies we are at GCL, we also have a sneezing puppet. It is an old fireman puppet and we have cut a hole in his mouth. We stick a small spray bottle filled with water in with our hand and have him sneeze on the kids. The kids love this and it is a great way to illustrate how germs spread because the kids can see the mist as it floats away.   

Read Felicity Floo visits the Zoo by E.S. Redmond, and Germs are not for sharing by Elizabeth Verdick (I prefer the board book version). I know there are many other good germ ones but I can't think of them right now and the library's website is down right now :(

Stay Well!


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